Cultural Competency Training

Cultural Competency Training is about making sure you and your colleagues are effective communicators regardless of the ethnicity of the person you're communicating with. We consider bias, present case studies and look at models for cross-cultural communication.

Who is it for?

The Cultural Competency Training is tailorable to suit three different levels of organisation: Executive, management, and front-line staff. Each workshop is prepared to ensure that the participant leaves feeling more confident about their cross-cultural communication skills than when they entered.


Sessions can be delivered either virtually or in person. These sessions are delivered as half-day workshops where information is provided in short, digestible “bits”, followed by discussions/activities and finally a Q&A at the end.

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Vandu's Inclusive Leadership Training is a transformative programme focused on cultivating leaders who actively contribute to structurally embedding an inclusive culture in the workplace. This training emphasises EDI in organisational structure.

This workshop, built for those who want to learn how to best interact and work with a diverse range of people, explores how to navigate the latest terminology, challenging racism in different settings, identity, privilege, microaggressions and more.

This programme covers key topics like unconscious bias and microaggressions. Through interactive sessions, participants learn to identify and address EDI challenges, fostering a supportive environment for diverse perspectives.